Montag, 28. Juli 2014

zucchini - banana - bread. Paleo.

It was the first time I tried out this recipe and it turned out really, really well. This bread is for everyone who likes juicy bread. The containing banana and zucchini make sure, that the bread doesn't get dry. For those who never heard of the "Paleolithic diet" - it's also called "caveman diet" or "Stone Age diet". It is based on the foods that were already available in the Paleolithic. You should consume mainly meat, fish, seafood, eggs, fruit, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, nuts, honey and you should avoid milk and dairy products - as well cereals, bread, and industrially processed foods.

I don't adjust my personal nutrition to the paleolithic diet completely, but I comply with certain parts of it. I hope you enjoy reading and watching and maybe I could inspire you to try out the recipe! :)


- 150g ground almonds

- 1,5 tsp Weinstein baking powder

- 3 eggs

- 1 banana

- 1 grated zucchini

- 1 tsp coconut oil

- 3 tsp honey

- 1 tsp cinnamon
preheat the oven (180°) and grease baking tin with coconut oil.

mix dry ingredients (almonds,cinnamon,baking powder, pinch of salt)

then mix eggs,banana,honey and coconut oil with a blender.

next: grate the zucchini. 

make sure that most of the liquid is gone. 

add it to the egg-honey-banana mixture.

add in dry ingredients.

put it into the greased baking tin and then into the oven for 30-40 minutes. 


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